Deck Log: Hoist Your Mug in December 2020!


Deck Log: Hoist Your Mug in December 2020!

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Deck Log: Hoist Your Mug in December 2020
Happy Holidays, from your Shipmates here at Old Salt Coffee Company. We salute those who have served and continue to serve, this great country. Thanks to them we have the freedom to be Old Salt Coffee Company. Join us. Kick back. And hoist a mug of Old Salt Coffee to the Old Salts who are on station around the world, 24/7.

If you haven't done so already, check out our YouTube channel.

We are a socially responsible company and donate a portion of our profits to our nonprofit partners. And just in case you hadn’t noticed, we at Old Salt Coffee are sailors, so we may, at times, use salty sailor language. Our intention is never to offend. It's just the way we communicate!

Green Eyes - $15.00
Our darkest roast yet. Inspired by the boldness and courage of those who operate in the night. Once you're at your lay-up site, this Cup O' Joe is perfect not only for you, but for your teammates still peering into the darkness. This coffee was crafted for those "Green-Eyed Men" ready to unleash their wrath in the defense of our Nation. Hoist A Mug of Green Eyes! Shop Now

Plankowner Package (Subscription) - $45/month
Join the first crew and become a Plankowner of Old Salt Coffee Company. As a plankowner, you will receive an Old Salt T-shirt, mug, and hat, along with a monthly subscription to the Whole Fleet of Coffee. Minimum six (6) month subscription.  Shop Now 
Old Salt of the Month – Admiral Chester Nimitz

Hailing from Texas it's no surprise, Nimitz's career was supersized. He initially made the mistake of thinking he would be an Army officer but had a change of heart when he realized they couldn’t handle him. He graduated 7 out of 114 from the Naval Academy, then proved his metal as a Warrant Officer for 2 years before being promoted to Ensign. While an Ensign, he ran his ship aground and was court-martialed, for which he was awarded a letter of reprimand, and then given the great honor of training at the First Submarine Flotilla. Don’t call it a come-back but as an Ensign, he ended up commanding 3 submarines. To help the legend grow even further, they promoted him directly from Ensign to Lieutenant (skipping over Lieutenant Junior Grade). Even in his spare time, he managed to save a man from drowning and was awarded the Silver Lifesaving Medal, no big deal. During WWI, he oversaw the first Underway Refueling, giving the U.S. Navy a strategic tool still used today. He donated a part of a finger when as an officer he tried to do some enlisted work; was he qualified for it? No, but prior to the days of YouTube, giants were willing to lose fingers for a DIY project. Ten days following the 7 December 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, then Rear Admiral Nimitz was selected by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to become the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. And on 31 December 1941, he, and only 9 fingers, assumed command onboard the deck of the submarine GRAYLING, since there were no battleships available as they were all sunk or damaged on 7 December. Admiral Nimitz went on to play a key role in the U.S. campaign in the Pacific, and acted as the U.S. representative onboard the MISSOURI during Japan's formal surrender. By the way, Admiral Nimitz' grandfather was also an Old Salt, and told his grandson, "The sea, like life itself, is a stern taskmaster. The best way to get along with either is to learn all you can, then do your best and don't worry – especially about things over which you have no control." We Hoist a Mug of Old Salt Coffee in honor and memory of Admiral Chester Nimitz, and the 10th digit! Hooyah!
On This Date in December...
1st: 1921. The first flight of an airship filled with helium, the C-7, leaves Norfolk, Va., and arrives later that day in Washington, D.C. The airship is commanded by LCDR Zachary Lansdowne and piloted by LCDR Ralph F. Wood.

2nd: 1969. USS Enterprise (CVAN 65) and USS Bainbridge (DLGN 25) become the first nuclear-powered task unit used in combat operations with launch of air strikes near Bien Hoa, Vietnam.

3rd: 1775. The first American flag is raised on board a Continental ship when Lt. John Paul Jones hoists the Grand Union Flag during Continental ship Alfreds commissioning at Philadelphia, Penn.

4th: 1950. CAPT Thomas Hudner crashed his own plane in order to aid downed fellow aviator Ensign Jesse L. Brown, who had been shot down by enemy anti-aircraft fire.  MoH, DDG 116

5th: 1941. USS Lexington (CV 2) sails with Task Force 12 to ferry Marine aircraft to Midway, leaving no carriers at Pearl Harbor.

6th: 1917. During World War I, German submarine U-53 torpedoes and sinks USS Jacob Jones (DD-61) off England with the loss of 64 lives. U-53s commanding officer, Hans Rose, in a rare gesture, reports the 38 survivors drift location to the American base in Queenstown, Ireland.

7th: 1941. Ward was patrolling off the entrance to Pearl Harbor when she encountered, attacked, and sank a Japanese Midget Submarine, which were the first shots of the Pacific War. Converted to a high-speed transport, she was redesignated APD-16 in February 1943 and was sent for war service again in the Pacific.   

8th: 1967. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed legislation to create the Judge Advocate General's (JAG) Corps of the Department of the Navy. The law established active-duty attorneys as a distinct professional group, and it ushered in a new era of legal administration within the Navy.

9th: 1944. USS Charles F. Hughes (DD 428) and USS Madison (DD 425) bombard German coast artillery positions and troop concentrations along the Franco-Italian border.

10th: 1982. The nuclear powered USS Ohio (SSBN 726), first Trident-Class submarine, returns from its first deterrent patrol.

11th: 1941. The Wake Island Garrison under Cmdr. Winfield Cunningham repulses the Japanese invasion force with shore battery fire that sink Japanese destroyer Hayate while Marine F4Fs sink destroyer Kisaragi.
1954. The first supercarrier USS Forrestal (CVA 59) is launched.

12th: 1972. Capt. Eugene A. Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, walks on the Moon and raises the U.S. flag. Cmdr. Ronald E. Evans is the Command Module Pilot and Harrison H. Schmitt is the Lunar Module pilot. The mission lasts 12 days, 13 hours and 52 minutes.

13th: 1939. At the Battle of the River Plate, the British cruisers EXETER, AJAX and ACHILLES damaged German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee, forcing her to enter the neutral port of Montevideo for repairs.

14th: 1911. USS California (ACR 6) breaks a red, white, and blue ribbon stretched across a Hawaiian channel to become the first ship to call on Pearl Harbor after it becomes a naval base.

15th: 1988. Operation Earnest Will ends in the Persian Gulf. U.S. Navy ships escorted reflagged Kuwaiti tankers and approximately 270 neutral ships and tankers to protect them from missile attacks and mines laid during the Iran-Iraq War.

16th: 1998. In Operation Desert Fox, Navy cruise missiles attack Iraq to degrade Saddam Hussein's ability to make and use weapons of mass destruction.

17th: 1939. Admiral Graf Spee was scuttled by her own crew at Montevideo, Uruguay. ww2dbase

18th: 1944. Adm. Halsey's 3rd Fleet encounters a typhoon northeast of Samar. Destroyers USS Hull (DD 350), USS Spence (DD 512), and USS Monaghan (DD 354) capsized and went down with practically all hands, while a cruiser, five aircraft carriers, and three destroyers suffered serious damage. Approximately 790 officers and men were lost or killed, with another 80 injured.

19th: 1944. USS Redfish (SS 395) sinks the Japanese carrier Unryu 200 nautical miles southeast of Shanghai, China. In the course of this engagement, Redfish is damaged and terminates her patrol early.

20th: 1989. Naval Special Warfare Task Force Papa attacks Punta Paitilla Airport during Operation Just Cause to prevent the dictator, Gen. Manuel Noriega, from leaving Panama. Chief Engineman Donald McFaul is mortally wounded while carrying a wounded SEAL to safety.

21st: 1968. Apollo 8 launches with Capt. James A. Lovell, Jr. as the command module pilot. During the mission Lovell is one of the first two people to see the far side of the moon. The mission lasts six days and three hours and includes 10 moon orbits. Recovery is executed by HS-4 helicopters from USS Yorktown (CVS 10).

22nd: 1942. On board USS Silversides (SS 236), Pharmacists Mate 1st Class Thomas A. Moore performs an emergency appendectomy on Fireman 3rd Class George M. Platter while the submarine is submerged and on war patrol in the Solomon Islands. Platter returned to duty within a few days of the operation.

23rd: 1803. The schooner Enterprise, commanded by Lt. Stephen Decatur, captures the Turkish ketch Mastico with a cargo of female slaves as it is sailing from Tripoli to Constantinople under Turkish colors and without passports. Renamed Intrepid, the former Mastico is taken into U.S. service.

24th: 1950. Under cover of naval gunfire support, Task Force 90 completes a 14-day evacuation of 100,000 troops and equipment and 91,000 refugees from Hungnam, North Korea during the Korean War.

25th: 1863. Confederate batteries on Johns Island attack the gunboat Marblehead near Legareville, S.C. in the Stono River and sustain 20 hits as the sloop Pawnee and mortar schooner C. P. Williams add firepower to the return bombardment. After more than an hour, the Confederates break off the engagement and withdraw. Medals of Honor are given to Boatswains Mate William Farley and Quartermaster James Miller for their actions during the engagement, while Contraband Robert Blake, an escaped slave, also receives a Medal of Honor for bravery while manning the rifle gun.

26th: 1918. USS Arizona participated in a fleet review in New York Harbor, New York, United States for US Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels. ww2dbase

27th: 1990. Lt. Cmdr. Darlene Iskra, the first female commanding officer of a U.S. Navy warship, reports for duty on board USS Opportune (ARS 41), then at Naples, Italy, serving until 1993.

28th: 1941. Rear Adm. Ben Morell, chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks, requests construction battalions be recruited.

29th: 1798. Secretary of Navy Benjamin Stoddert sends in his first annual report to Congress, requesting naval forces be increased "to make the most powerful nation desire our friendship - the most unprincipled respect our neutrality."

30th: 1959. The first fleet ballistic missile submarine, USS George Washington (SSBN 598), is commissioned.

31st: 1862. USS Monitor founders in a storm off Cape Hatteras, N.C. and is lost. Ordinary Seaman John Jones of USS Rhode Island is awarded the Medal of Honor for his conduct while rescuing crewmen during the night.